วันอาทิตย์ที่ 27 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Four Ways to Get Happy Now

Recently, I saw a special on 20/20 and I enjoyed the good fortune of this message to prove that I have talked for years: we have a high degree of control over our levels of happiness, at least 40% after what researchers said, in the exhibition. Only 10 percent is cumbersome and about 40 to 50 percent genetics. More interesting, perhaps, the idea that your brain and change the situation if you are determined to be happy. Here are four ways tostart.

1. Meditating

2. Focus on the positive

3. Building productive relationships

4. Find Your Flow


Neuroscience researchers report that our brain just waiting to be processed.
If you simply sit in silence for 30 minutes a day, your brain is a significant change in two weeks to show. If you are interested, you do not have 30 minutes, let me give you another source of experts in the field of Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz, authors ofPower of Full Engagement: The longer and later and later in the night, you work less efficient and error-prone six. The point is that we need to rejuvenate and meditation is a way to fill a short burst of energy.

Focus on the positive

Have you heard the word "expands what is better?" Is not just some fluff. Dr. Richard Davidson, a researcher at the University of Wisconsin student monks to devote their lives to focus on positive thoughtsCompassion and kindness. Davidson said,''is the happiness of the monks from the standings. "

Building productive relationships

The reports are the main source of happiness at work and outside. One of the reasons why Denmark is the happiest place on earth, because the focus is on the community. Ninety-two percent of Danes belong to a kind of social clubs and think about what? The government does not pay! This is a big difference to most Americans that I know, excuses and say they are too busy to doThe things we enjoy.

Besides the social aspect of relationships, what matters are at work. One of the men was profiled in the exhibition, Sean Aiken, a colleague working many jobs, he decided to find his happiness. Sean took after working 52 jobs in 52 weeks. Tried everything from dairy farming in equity trading is recognized, is not the work that counts, it's the people that work that counts. His website, if you're interested in http://www.oneweekjob.com

Find Your Flow

A bit 'ofPeople find their call in progress in their lives, others are in a kind of activity. The river is something you feel when you are totally absorbed and satisfied with the present moment. I feel that I have found my vocation, and are more or less the flow when I'm coaching, speaking or training. I have to meditate and study the effect of positive thinking for the last five years, but something was missing. Eventually I understood. E 'was more fun to put things in my life ...I like them to do that have absolutely nothing to do with the business.

At the end of 2007 I am looking for dance lessons. That's right, I take Cha Cha Cha and Salsa with my favorite teacher, Alex. Alex is a guy who only love in my life so that the relationship fits into consideration. Alex was a dancer in Russia and now owns his own studio. You can go to http://www.theballroomworld.com

Then after that I decided to take some lessons in ice skating. Each time you visit aBig city I see people who wanted to skate parks and I've always done, I could join them. This year I decided that one wants. ... Let's see, in fact, have some control over our happiness, we just have to remember that happiness is not to arrive at your destination, it is the journey to enjoy.

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