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Tips for success more to Strictly Come Dancing 2006

"Together Strictly Come Dancing" is a competition, the dance teacher is a professional dancer with an amateur. The couple with the brands sold for the week. Points are awarded by four judges and spectators.

The program provides tips that success can be applied to other activities, including dance. For example, you can ensure that at least one critic willing to shoot when you try something beyond the ordinary. WinnersDancers are able to show how to deal with this criticism.

Competitors selected will meet the criticisms that they feel are abusive or use it as motivation to be able to. If the criticism is justified, we will try to remedy what is criticized.

Karen Hardy, a professional dancer, who won the contest, after his amateur partner, Mark Ramprakash Cricket, in fact, the judge thanked them for their criticism:

"I must thank the judges, because I havecrazy. "

He knew how to motivate the criticisms that have a greater response: "If someone goes down, they will return to get to a tyrant."

However, even Karen knew how to respond to legitimate criticism:

"They were all valid points. Len picked up technical deficiencies. My job is to correct it now back in the studio and my mistakes and I hope it will not show once again."

Carol Smillie and her partner, Matthew Cutler, who felt unfairly criticized by the judges of the fifthWeek "Strictly Come Dancing".

Carol and Matthew, had received only criticism is that, while all the good things he had done, were ignored. Nobody likes criticism, but most of us can accept some criticism, provided it is peppered with some praise, and until it is consistent.

Carol said: "I took on the chin, but Matthew was really angry about it."

Craig Revel Horwood, one of the judges, commented:

E 'over stupid things like youby dass I think Carol has been a disaster. You only need to store and fix up and stop crying about it. "

Matthew and Carol really well with the critics.

Matthew said, "Getting bad comments are Saturday (day of the show every week) us to work harder." Work is more difficult key to successful large. Although learning to work smarter, work is still a certain date!

Carol has been a struggle against reaction to criticism:

"As a Monday morningRestarts. The slate is clean, the talk begins with a Cha Cha Cha. Great! Bring It On! "

However, Matthew was observed judges had its partners are able to do harm, including:

"The judges have made my job much more difficult. Carol says:" I can not "in relation to Cha Cha Cha. They never said that before."

Carol admitted, "Sometimes you leave combat, but will go.

Claudia Winkelmann, admitted in an interview that theirCourage

"Many people would lie in a fetal position and say, I will not come back."

People who want any kind of success, must learn to grow up, get up and continue to be active when criticized.

Successful people accept the fact that if they want to win a competition, they train and work very hard. Will not master the information and skills needed in a second.

Karen made this point to Mark: "If you could be a second,I am the world champion 3000, is not it? "

If anything deserves really good, will not be easy. Karen, like most successful people have had to accept the feeling and training.

Karen and Mark always a tremendous amount of work. He said: "You just hope that putting all the work that will pay dividends in place there. You now have locked in the practice makes perfect, and that's how I trained."

Brian Tracy, the guru of big business and motivator, says the samewhat in terms of business success:

"Learn The only way to succeed in business is to practice, practice, practice. And if you're not ready to practice when no one is willing to put in the time to learn, so it is not possible for you success business.

Sometimes a professional dancer has lowered its standards to make life easier for the amateur partner. But at least one of the most successful amateur refused to allow them to do so. Wantedachieve the same high standards as the professional that their partnership.

During the week after the fifth performance, Erin Boag was asked what she considered the best dance all series. It has three weeks of the second set, when Darren Bennett, a professional dance champion, and Jill Halfpenny, actress, dancing a jive to "I'm Still Standing"

"It 'was simply spectacular. It' was everything and anything that can be desired."

Both Jill and Darren decided tothey produce a kick ass jive, in response to criticism that their Rumba was in two weeks "pedestrian".

To ask Darren was full of respect for his companion: "Jill's desire to learn to dance was absolutely incredible. Jill would just work and work and work. It can not be more. Danced and we were literally full.

The speed of Jive was the hardest dance to Jill. No time to think. Jill asked her boyfriend when he danced with herSwing. He said "No".

He said: "What you want is to always try to dance at their own pace, because I want to take the step. I do not want you to get my speed."

The public can see how they work hard and physically respond.

Danced the jive again in the final.

The hall took place after the performances and the judges have given them every ten - the highest rating. They won the championship of the second row.

In the present series, womenAmateurs have realized that anything would do well in the competition. The professionals of women seen clearly always breathtaking and lovers of women, which has to go to give the full 'wow' factor. Someone said

"Louisa Lytton clothes get smaller as it is bold and there's nothing like the ball and feels safer."

Amateur men had to accept that they too had to do, which made her look the part. Arlene, one ofThe courts have given the chance to read: "Mark should cut his hair even if it is happy to win - everything."

Another lesson from the exhibition is to dispel the confusion is, finally, if you continue working. The dancers would often an amateur opinion, such as:

'It is very confusing. Why am I not right? " I do not know what I'm doing. I'm so confused. I am so confused about where we are. I do not understand. What are we doing here?

However, as they continued to work and training,would then fall to the penny, and come the night show and give half-decent performance.

Carol Smillie said: "Every dance I do, I have two or three mental blocks, I believe in:" I can not get this right. "

Matthew Cutler, his partner, commented: "Even if the mental blocks has often done, the dance, on Saturday it's good."

At one point, Mark Ramprakash said: "I lost the will to live. Always gives me a feeling of confusion andI feel like a total beginner. "

But he went further: "I do not let this get the better of the Viennese waltz with me."

That afternoon, everything is gone.

In summary, the success of the suggestions above:

Do not lie in a fetal position "when he criticized. Stand tall and corrective actions taken if the criticism is fair and uses it as motivation when he is wrong. Sometimes you can leave the fight, but it can also back.

You have to work very hard and practice hard, to behappened if it were not so, everyone would be successful. Continued practice and learning to dance in economics is necessary, too.

People do not need to drag others down to their level. Instead, they may seek, like Jill Halfpenny, the standard of top performers. If anyone can make a difference, so can you.

Who wants to succeed on hold, must be willing to do whatever to win, even if it means cutting the hair and takes painseem at their best. Who knows, they may be able to create their own to 'wow' factor.

Confusion is a state that most of us fall when learning something new. If we try to remain rigid and hard work, we finally get out of confusion into a state of reasonable clarity. Tony Robbins, the great motivator, teaches that we should be happy if we are confused, because if we want to continue, the lighting is just around the corner.

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