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Feature Interview - The Man Behind The Dreamz

An innovative world / singer, producer and place of salsa dancers around the world, Giju awakens the audience with his versatile style and energetic since his youth. Moves with a remarkable performance on the mind, is Giju positioned as one of the most interesting and exciting artists, press the international music scene and India. His first album, released in June 2007, Raga-to-Rock Records, has six singles, including the title track sauce, rank Rangeela.

Giju was born in India, andraised singer who lives in California, where his creative talents in music and expressed as an engineer of Intel Corporation. After a solid base acquired through proper training Giju has pursued and shared his passion for music and dance since childhood.

Received training in Indian classical music (Carnatic), along with training in Bharatanatyam, a classical Indian dance form. He has professional training in music, both in India who have participatedthe U.S.

Through his versatile and energetic style, Giju has been reaching audiences since his youth. His dedication to his craft and remarkable power to move his listeners, positions Giju as one of the most compelling and captivating performers to hit the Indian music scene.

An amazingly gifted artist, Giju is also an accomplished Salsa dancer and choreographer. He is an original member of the San Francisco Bay Area-based Salsamania Dance Company, a world-ranked professional Salsa Dance troupe known for its hypnotic performances marked by high speed and technical difficulty. Exports, while competing with Salsa Mania Giju and the United States, Europe and Mexico. Salsamania left in December 2007, his efforts on the launch of his album, music videos and new Salsa Production Company: Focus Beyond Dreamz Entertainment "Dreamz Team".


MG: Giju Hello, congratulations on the fantasticCompletion of your first album, music videos, dance and the new production company "Dreamz Team has begun.

For those not familiar with your background, you can briefly describe what is beyond Dreamz Entertainment, since he founded the organization and your main goal?

Giju: Beyond Dreamz Entertainment has been the goal of creating innovative music and dance productions, the fusion of Indian music and Latin / dance-based styles. Iwant to use this platform to spread this new kind of music / dance style around the world. When I do my album, I had a lot of problems in the music industry and its norms and rules. I may not have the right people then, but if I go hand in hand with the program ... I would not be capable of that kind of music I believe this is a compelling reason establishing Beyond Dreamz Entertainment was to produce this as a platform toThe promotion of new emerging artists, new quality music, high to create.

MG: It 'nice to see that are present in numerous interviews and as executors of the score in recent months, especially if you tour in India. Why is it important to bring your unique brand of vocal talent and dance salsa in your house?

Giju: is India, where are my roots, where I planted myPassion for music and dance. Without the foundation, which I earned while they are growing up, I would not be able to pursue my artistic goals. It 'my turn to give something back to her. Contribution in my own way, with the diversity and richness of Indian music scene. The fact that the Indian public still very sensitive to world music that just makes me more confident in my efforts.

MG: They are considered as one"Precursor" to bridge successfully the first Latin American cultures and Hindi with your own unique style of music and dance productions. How did this concept originate?

Giju: Until I'm in California, in about 8 years ago, was my image of Latin music more or less limited to flamenco guitar and bongos! When I explained to Mambo, Cha-Cha-Cha and other popular music / dance styles, my understanding of Latin music in all its nuances and shades, has begun to develop. I hadalso got to dance salsa at a professional level, so that this much about my ability to interpret the music from the perspective of a dancer to contribute. So when I started toying with the idea of an album, the first idea that struck me was a style that would link the structure of Indian music with the taste of the mambo. In retrospect, it seems quite natural. Indian popular music has a lot of flexibility in its structure, but the Indianize "sauce without compromising the taste and feel ofSalsa was. . . nothing less than a Herculean task!

MG: Your career as an artist who has a duration highlight the deliberate and targeted training, sacrifice and hard work. Could share the development of this process with us?

Giju: E 'was an interesting trip to say the least. My connection with music and dance began when I was about 8 years, and it all started because my mother! She put me inTraining, although I childish rebellion, but a great effort, and I am so grateful for that. I was in what is considered one of the oldest systems of music embedded in the world - "The Carnatic music (one of two styles of classical music in India) and Bharathanatyam (a popular South Indian classical dance) for 7 years. But all the time I was more attracted to the most popular and traditional music and dance styles, so it was natural that I no longer following the implementationclassical music and dance pieces and began to venture to more contemporary elements. Bollywood has been a major source of inspiration for me, as well as the influences of the West, including artists like Michael Jackson and George Michael.

After my arrival in the United States to pursue a master's degree to attend USF Tampa, FL, are entered in shows, events and projects, both within and outside the university institution. In terms of music and dance styles, these events, many internationalElements. Besides being a very big experience was an intense period of learning for me. After completing my studies I moved to California, and you all know the rest of the story.

MG: In addition to creative ways to satisfy your passion, there are also a manager full time professional engineering in a world-class organization. They tell us some of the challenges in the light of all these tasks?

Giju: Yes, I am a Senior ReliabilityEngineer at Intel Corporation. This is my 8th year with them. Intel is a great company to work for and are very happy to join a group where I work, the cutting technology, for my technical skills are constantly challenged to achieve. My manager and colleagues know about my work off that support them fully. This is a great help.

To say that dealing with the challenge of my job, my music and video projects that my production company Dreamz team, class,Soldiers, seminars and, of course, my personal life would be a great understatement. I can watch all these things to complain about too little time to understand, or logistics to make it happen at all. I decide to do the second. All you need is faith and faith, your mind and body will then react with a lot of positive energy for you to draw.

If you ever feel overwhelmed, I think of my parents, especially my mother, and how you managed to raise me and my brothers tookConcern for the whole family, has led many community activities, tutoring, and more all the time with a full-time job. I'm sure there are millions of working mothers as well. Compared to what I'm doing is a breeze.

MG: During the first phase of their 2008 world tour in February and March, Entertainment Beyond Dreamz dance production team of "Dreamz Team that has been" here in the Bay Area to meet some new choreography, which was recently completed.Tell us about the process and your plans for the team.

Giju: Both Kristen and I had to leave India for my trip right after we finished the piece. In our absence, we still wanted the team to the choreography, he had prepared, we started to get familiar with our style. Eric and Tatiana, leads our team managed the practice and training in our absence. Its great to have these two excellent dancers, and good friends who know our style, Culture shares the same work as we do. They seized the opportunity and took excellent care of the team.

On our return in early March, once completely reorganized the choreography with the assistance of Kristen's. We, of course, some ideas from our dancers. Although only a small step in the direction of my broader vision of a sophisticated production, I am very happy with what we have now. This is something we can build.

The dancers have to do with the nature ofMaterials and the dynamics of the choreography. It 'very different than most expect from them. Currently, we are preparing to conduct the 2008 LA Salsa Congress. Now after what I want to start working with them for the choreography for the production next video, which will happen in the month of August. The team will also lead the next Indian Salsa Congress in August.

MG: In recent months we have had the opportunity to highlight some perspectives on the 2008 "Dreamz team win" foras she shared some of their personal history and background of dance. Of course, this is a group of intelligent, talented and very creative to enjoy life! What can you tell us about the team as a whole, were not reflected in their profiles?

Giju: Absolutely, I feel so blessed to all these people to have a talented team. Each of them has a distinct personality, which adds more to the taste and the overall size ofTeam. There are also great camaraderie and chemistry between all the dancers, makes the samples very productive and enjoyable performance. Since the first group of dancers for Beyond Dreamz Entertainment, they offer a solid basis for a future of great success for the company. Kristen and I could not be happier with this group.

MG: The success of the Bay Area salsa depends on a cooperative and competitive spirit among all participants, includingTo help the dancers, DJs, bands, producers and suppliers. Now that we are on the production side of the economy dipped in the field compared to a benefit purely competitive as you can see yourself and also Dreamz Entertainment positive contribution to the development of salsa scene - first locally and globally?

Giju: Salsa is a general phenomenon, is to bridge the cultural and ethnic differences, and I want my contribution to that through my addMusic and video projects, and over production Dreamz Entertainment. I would like the position beyond Dreamz as a platform on which a variety of world-class collaborative work can be done by putting together the kind of talent that you mentioned above. Most of my projects, the amount of exposure at international level are important representatives of the Bay Area salsa community. Besides taking the Dreamz Team For example, I started the team and are alreadyPart of an international project of videos in the month of August. There are other projects in the future, which are similar, but more long haul. I will fully and show immense talent that we use here at home, while working to expand the scope of the exhibition Latin music / dance, and open it to other styles rich and varied as India and Arabic.

I'm really excited about this opportunity.

Thank you for spending this time with us, Giju. We look forward to yourProgress and meeting with you again on your new video with interesting projects and travels the world to learn!

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